Monday, January 28, 2008

January 28 - February 1

Today in History: South Carolina and six other states seceded from the United States on January 28, 1861. They called themselves the Confederate States of America and named Jefferson Davis their leader.

AP US History:
  • Monday -- Assignment Due: Cornell Notes, pages 549-558. In class: Students will view "The Homestead Strike." Objectives include: Can students explain urbanization and the lure of the city? Can students describe city problems and machine politics? Homework: Cornell Notes, pages 558-567.
  • Tuesday: Discuss pages 558-567, homework pages 567-580.
  • Wednesday: Discuss pages 567-580, no homework.
  • Thursday: In class jigsaw review over Chapters 18-19. Homework includes Cornell Notes over pages 583-593.
  • Friday: Discuss pages 583-593, homework pages 593-601.

AP Government:

  • Monday -- Assignment Due: Cornell Notes, pages 49-59. In class: Discuss pages 49-59 and Federalism. Objectives include: Can students explain the theoretical and practical features of federalism? Homework: Cornell Notes, pages 59-76.
    Tuesday: Discuss pages 59-76, no homework.
    Wednesday: In class jigsaw review over Chapters 1-3, homework pages 79-88.
    Thursday: Discuss pages 79-88, homework pages 88-100.
    Friday: Discuss pages 88-100, homework pages 103-118.