Monday, August 20, 2012

Back to School: Do Right!

Last week I was fortunate to have the opportunity to work with amazing teachers new to our district.  Their enthusiasm, vision, and energy inspire me.  New-to-district teacher range from zero to twenty years of experience, but each one brings a wealth of ideas to the table -- some have new ideas fresh out of their college or student teaching experiences, while others have ideas that they have wanted to try, but needed a school open to the suggestion.

My favorite story from last week was a new-to-district teacher with a few years experience sharing his classroom management style.  He shared his inspiration from Lou Holtz and how it related to something he read by Zig Ziglar.  The teacher borrowed the term, "Do Right."  He said if you "do right," all other things fall into place.  I agree.

Further borrowing the theme, I challenge all teachers to "do right."  And, if you are in question of what is right, talk with someone - a colleague, administration, me....