Tuesday, October 30, 2007

October 30, 2007

Today in History: John Adams, our second president, was born on this date in 1735. His son, John Quincy, was our sixth president.
  • In AP US History: we are working in groups to put together our arguments for our mini-debates over Jackson and the Transformation of Politics in Antebellum Society. The first four mini-debates will be conducted on Wednesday. Objectives include: AP #7 - understand federal authority and its opponents, the bank war, states' rights, and Jacksonian democracy and AP #9 - Indian removal.
  • In AP Government: we are continuing our discussion on civil rights and civil liberties, including due process. Objectives include: AP # 6 - understand development of individual rights and liberties and their impact on citizens, understand Fourteenth Amendment and how the doctrine of selective incorporation have been used to extend protection of liberties and rights.

Have a GREAT Tuesday!

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